Sunday, December 21, 2014

Evangelism Department – 128 years and still going on.

Evangelism Department is one of the core departments of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG). The department is responsible for the work of mission at home and abroad; nurture of Christian faith, life and stewardship of God’s gift; and Special ministries among children, youths, women, and hospital/school/prison.

The programs udders Evangelism Department includes Youth Division, Women Division, Christian Life Service (Sunday school, Stewardship and Environment), Social Concern Division (Disability Program, Pastoral Counseling), Chaplaincy and Missions, Lutheran Life Care Program and Resource Centre.

The two main activities that the department conducts in the National Level are firstly designing and producing resources and the second is to train and build capacity for districts, circuits and parish to utilize the resources in the local congregations.

The Evangelism Department has many good programs that were produced but are not reaching the congregations. Many congregations especially in the remote areas do not have a pastor or trained people to administer the ministries; they improvise with whatever they have.  There’s need to review programs to suit the rapid social change at hand. But all these can be addressed effectively if Evangelism Department has a good funding base to work.

Unlike other ELCPNG department like Education, Health, Development Services who source funding from the national government or other NGO, Evangelism department struggles to seek funding for its work. Ninety Five percent (95%) of the funds that support Evangelism program of ELCPNG are overseas donation from Lutheran Overseas Partners. Almost every ELCPNG seventeen (17) Districts give very little, even from none to K600 as their offer to support Evangelism work of ELCPNG.  

Our forefathers have laid a strong foundation through the Great Evangelistic Period walking the length and breadth of PNG and spreading the Gospel. They have done their part and we have to carry on from there.

As believer in Jesus Christ, we have an obligation to continue proclaiming this message. We owe our great Evangelism to sustain what they have sowed for the glory of God. How do we continue to sustain the two thousand (2000) congregations in nurturing Christian values in the congregation?

We can continue on Praying, we can GO and reach out and we can GIVE to support the mission.

To GIVE, you can channel it through; 
·         Acc Name: ELC PNG National Youth Office
·         Acc Number: 1001173954
·         Bank: Bank South Pacific

ELCPNG Youth Sunday is one of the Sunday (Second Sunday of May) set aside by the Church and is expected that all offering of all 2000 congregations should come in to support the National Youth Division and the Evangelism Department. The next Youth Sunday falls on 10th May 2015.

For more information:

Phone: 472 3636      Mobile Phone: 725 22667      Email: 

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